Monday, August 24, 2009

Hectic Weekends, Blurry Monday

Hectic Weekends, Blurry Monday


Halfday work. charity clearance sale, donate to SPCA - *Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals*

Evening: Cousin Wedding Dinner(G-hotel)


Fullday work. charity clearance sale.

Nite: Gurney Plaza Tenant's party(G-hotel) 


Fullday work, charity clearance sale.

Nite Do Weekly report.


Morning- Meeting..Late

From Greenlane to QB, but I drove from Greenlane to Prai, then QB. Because I drove to wrong road that brought me to Penang Bridge. Returning back to Penang need to "buta "pay RM7 tol. Haha..!

Lesson learnt, be alert when you drive. 

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